Rachel Moody
Rachel started doing Disability Advocacy work with the Flying High young people’s participation group in North Yorkshire in 2012. She was also involved with the North Yorkshire KeyRing self-advocacy group.
Through her membership of these participation groups Rachel was heavily involved with the development of North Yorkshire’s Autism Strategy 2015-2020, The Changing Landscape of Autism in North Yorkshire. This led to her joining the Department of Health Autism Program Board as a self-advocate member, and she currently sits on the health and workforce task groups. Rachel is autistic and has given multiple talks in autism awareness and sensory difficulties. Her unique insight makes her a popular and interesting speaker.
Currently Rachel is involved in creating a core capabilities framework around autism, and delivers training nationally around person centred approaches to care and support, and in autism. As an illustrator for CHANGE Rachel has developed considerable experience in making accessible information and in accessible web design.
Case studies
Fat Face
National lifestyle clothing and accessory retailer, Fat face, describe a passion for their customers being at the heart of what they do. They believe it’s not simply enough to satisfy their customers, wanting to delight them and give them a fantastic experience - they want to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service.
Harrogate High
Fitting in is one of the greatest challenges of anyone’s time at high school, and it’s what most young people seek to achieve. At 11 years old children are looking for things they have in common with other people, trying to make friends, be cool, be part of the right group. However, sometimes people can’t help but stand out; because they are physically different, or because they behave differently from other people. We worked with Harrogate High to address those feelings of exclusion and separation. We worked with Year Seven students to look at what unites us rather than divides us.