I deliver training with Opening Minds and on these courses, I speak about my disability to get people to think about accessibility and how to provide great care and support for everyone. It is a great course and everyone who provides support to other people should do it.
Case studies
Fat Face
National lifestyle clothing and accessory retailer, Fat face, describe a passion for their customers being at the heart of what they do. They believe it’s not simply enough to satisfy their customers, wanting to delight them and give them a fantastic experience - they want to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service.
Harrogate High
Fitting in is one of the greatest challenges of anyone’s time at high school, and it’s what most young people seek to achieve. At 11 years old children are looking for things they have in common with other people, trying to make friends, be cool, be part of the right group. However, sometimes people can’t help but stand out; because they are physically different, or because they behave differently from other people. We worked with Harrogate High to address those feelings of exclusion and separation. We worked with Year Seven students to look at what unites us rather than divides us.